BlackBerry Passport - Change your story settings

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Change your story settings


In BlackBerry Story Maker, tap a story.


While the story is playing, tap the screen.






Do any of the following:
• To remove titles and credits from your stories, turn off the Titles and Credits switch.
• To remove collages from your stories, turn off the Arrange Pictures in Collages switch.
• To arrange pictures and videos in chronological order, turn off the Automatically Reorder Media switch.
• To keep videos the length that you recorded them, turn off the Automatically Trim Videos switch.
• To automatically adjust the length of stories to match the music you choose, turn on the Adjust Length of Story to

Music switch.

User Guide



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Note: If a switch is unavailable, it means that the theme currently used in your story doesn't support that setting or that the
story doesn't contain any media affected by that setting. For example, if your story contains only videos, the Arrange
Pictures in Collages switch is unavailable.